Fastener News Desk spoke with HARDLOCK Industry at the 2017 International Fastener Expo in Las Vegas!

Can you please give us your Name, Company Name and where your company is located? My name is Lenny Damberg and I work for HARDLOCK Industry Co., Ltd. in Japan.

Can you tell us about the products you manufacture? We manufacture unique self-locking fasteners with one of the strongest locking effects in the industry. Our HARDLOCK products are maintenance-free due to the strong locking effect and they are re-usable with hardly any change in performance. This means increase in productivity wherever adopted and immense reduction for material and labor costs.

How important is the US market to your overall business strategy? As with many industry markets, USA is a top-player and the fastener industry is no exception. We believe that the US market is very important and has endless potential for new products and technologies.

What industries or regions do you see future growth and potential? Our products are perfect for extreme vibration environments and applications where just the slightest loosening may lead to a catastrophe. Therefore we are very confident that our products Kumpulan Situs Judi Slot Online Gampang Menang 2021 are a perfect solution for increasing safety and productivity in industry applications such as the railroad industry, mining industry and more. In fact, our products are adoptable in any industry and we have received high evaluation wherever it is used.

Does your country face the growing global concern of talented and skilled workforce shortages? On the contrary, Japan’s skilled and talented workforce is increasing and the technology is getting better and better.

What have been the biggest changes you’ve seen in the industry? The biggest and most dangerous changes we have seen in the industry at late are the increase in low quality imitation products. Using imitation products does not only hurt the industry but it can also lead to fatal accidents and huge economic losses for companies due to imitation products failing to do their job.

What would your advice be to young people thinking about a career in the fastener industry? The Fastener Industry is a huge industry and there are always new things to learn. Even if fasteners are a small part of a bigger thing, they are very vital. My advice is to focus on the vital things, no matter how small.

Is your company looking at new technologies such as Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing? Our company has the latest state of the art technology and in-house testing equipment including but not limited to 3D printing. We are always looking for new ideas and technology to improve the power and safety which is HARDLOCK.

It has been an honor to meet you here at the 2017 International Fastener Expo on Las Vegas. Likewise, thank you very much!


Fastener News Desk spoke with Hardlock Industry about their locknut technology and the industries they serve.

Fastener Expos, The Fastener Museum