Fastener Design Course




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Author and Affiliation:
Barrett, Richard T.(NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH United States)

Richard T. Barrett, Senior Aerospace Engineer of NASA Lewis Research Center presents a comprehensive course on fastener design. A recognized expert in the field of fastener technology Mr. Barrett combines lecture, charts, illustrations with real-world experiences. Topics covered include: materials, plantings and coatings, locking methods threads, joint stiffness, rivets, inserts, nut plates, thread lubricants, design criteria, etc. 

Publication Date:June 01, 1997
Document ID:

(Acquired May 16, 1998)
Report/Patent Number:NASA/TM-1997-207862, NONP-NASA-VT-1998118421
Document Type:Technical Report
Publication Information:SEE 20110016427
Financial Sponsor:NASA Lewis Research Center; Cleveland, OH United States
Organization Source:NASA Lewis Research Center; Cleveland, OH United States
Description:In English
Distribution Limits:Unclassified; Publicly available; Unlimited
Rights:No Copyright

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More resources:

NASA Fastener Design Coursebook

Fastener Design Manual