FastenMaster celebrates 25 years

Fas­ten­Mas­ter, a divi­sion of OMG, Inc., is cel­e­brat­ing 25 years of pro­vid­ing pro­fes­sion­al build­ing con­trac­tors with inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts and fas­ten­ing solu­tions that make work faster, eas­i­er, and more efficient. 

Estab­lished in 1998, Fas­ten­Mas­ter cre­at­ed the cat­e­go­ry of struc­tur­al wood-to-wood screws with the intro­duc­tion of Tim­ber­LOK, a heavy-duty wood screw designed to elim­i­nate the need to predrill when attach­ing two pieces of wood togeth­er. It was the first of what has become the very pop­u­lar ​LOK Line’ of struc­tur­al wood-to-wood fas­ten­ers for res­i­den­tial appli­ca­tions, and solid­i­fied FastenMaster’s focus on pro­vid­ing PRO-Dri­ven solutions.

Since that begin­ning, Fas­ten­Mas­ter has con­tin­ued to dif­fer­en­ti­ate itself by con­tin­u­al­ly solic­it­ing con­trac­tor feed­back, and then devel­op­ing high­ly engi­neered solu­tions that help improve instal­la­tion pro­duc­tiv­i­ty while deliv­er­ing a pre­mi­um fin­ish. Through this process, they have rev­o­lu­tion­ized the indus­try with sev­er­al break­through prod­ucts, including: 

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  • Tra­pEase, the industry’s first non-mush­room­ing fas­ten­er designed specif­i­cal­ly for com­pos­ite decking; 
  • The hid­den deck cat­e­go­ry with the Cor­tex Plug Sys­tem, that leaves no evi­dence of fas­ten­ers on the deck; 
  • Head­LOK, the industry’s first flat head­ed struc­tur­al fastener;
  • Thru­LOK, the first fas­ten­er to elim­i­nate through-bolts by using a unique self-tight­en­ing nut to make con­nec­tions in a frac­tion of the time;
  • Trus­s­LOK (lat­er replaced by Flat­LOK), the first fas­ten­er to con­nect mul­ti­ple beams of LVL sin­gle sided, up to 4‑ply;
  • Tiger Claw TC‑G Hid­den Deck Clip, the industry’s first stain­less steel hid­den deck­ing clip for grooved boards;
  • Truss­Brace, the first truss brac­ing solu­tion that includes both lat­er­al and diag­o­nal sup­port in one connection;

By active­ly lis­ten­ing to our PROs, Fas­ten­Mas­ter has helped con­trac­tors achieve great suc­cess by offer­ing them the very best solu­tions on the mar­ket,” said Web Shaf­fer, senior vice pres­i­dent and gen­er­al man­ag­er. ​Devel­op­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty solu­tions through inno­va­tion has been our north star dur­ing the past 25 years and we expect to deliv­er even more new and inno­v­a­tive solu­tions to the mar­ket in the next 25 years.”

About FastenMaster

Fas­ten­Mas­ter is a divi­sion of OMG, Inc., which has over 600 employ­ees glob­al­ly, and more than 400 in West­ern Mass., mak­ing it one of the area’s largest employ­ers. In addi­tion, OMG oper­ates man­u­fac­tur­ing plants in Agawam, Addi­son, Ill, and in Rock­ford, Minn., and has a glob­al sales force of over 100 in North Amer­i­ca, Europe, and Asia, includ­ing near­ly 50 for Fas­ten­Mas­ter. In total, OMG pro­duces over 1 bil­lion fas­ten­ers each year.

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